Our approach to Workplace Wellness focuses less on lifestyle programs than in stabilizing the chronically ill and preventing at-risk employees from becoming ill.
Plenty of corporate organizations experiment with cutting-edge corporate wellness programs, tweaking elements to meet the latest fitness fads or technological trends, but rarely report sustained success or meaningful cost savings as a result. Part of the problem is the focus — emphasis is placed on the details but not on the fundamental needs.
At RX2LIVE, we offer an innovative approach to workplace wellness. Our program is designed to help employees better manage chronic health conditions and stay healthy, as well as lower insurance premiums and reduce claims. After all, too many wellness strategies offer temporary treatments when the real answer lies in stabilizing the chronically ill and preventing at-risk employees from becoming ill.
Data culled from examining 10 years of a Fortune 100 company’s wellness program — compiled in a RAND Corporation study — reveals that disease management, rather than lifestyle management, accounted for 86 percent of the company’s hard health care savings as well as a 30 percent reduction in hospital admissions. Pretty significant by any metric.
Reams of medical evidence support what factors routinely designate an employee as “at-risk.” They include: diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and depression, which frequently leads to expensive health care claims, especially if not diagnosed or misdiagnosed.
Fortunately, we have the solution. Our Workplace Wellness approach provides for personal health assessments, including biometric testing. What’s more, the program encourages — without coercion — that at-risk employees participate in our personal-care management. The goal, with obvious benefits, is to minimize the prospect of becoming chronically ill.
Want to learn more? We encourage you to explore our website: http://www.rx2live.com/.