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Physicians have seen a 40% reduction in profits over the past five years, and they are forced to see more patients. Providers are having a hard time delivering on-time quality service and all of this leads to burnout with many doctors. Physicians are looking for ancillary services and products to drive more revenue to their practices.
Through our proven programs and products we can provide you with real outcomes.
Enhanced patient care through Chronic Care Management, patient screenings, lab services, and others.
Significant passive income to your practice with very low or no up-front costs.
Fast deployment of programs (weeks not months) with minimal interruption of office staff.
No long-term contracts. You can cancel our partnership for any reason or no reason at all.
Provides a personal touch for your patients, and brings your practice recurring monthly revenue.
A true turnkey system that is automated, customized and provides critical information about a patient’s overall health.
Implement Strategies That Drive New Revenue To Your Practice
The DNA Test that will help your body return to optimal weight and increase your energy, health, and wellness.
The ultimate, affordable system for rapid, natural and safe weight loss.
I am bringing in an extra $8,600 per month. Thank you for bringing this program to our practice.
I would encourage any practitioner to really take a close look at RX2Live. The benefits, the value, the potential are fantastic.
This is such a key partnership for us since we have the doctors, and RX2Live has the services that our doctors need.
Get a personalized assessment of which programs can support better patient outcomes and a better bottom line for your practice.